Windy CSS styleguide

3.7 #components.checkbox .checkbox

Toggle example guides Toggle HTML markup

Custom checkbox with associated text. By default is on.

    <div class="checkbox {{modifier_class}}">This is my custom checkbox</div>
Default styling
This is my custom checkbox
This is my custom checkbox
red variant of checkbox (used only on light backgrounds)
This is my custom checkbox
This is my custom checkbox
red light variant of checkbox (used only on light backgrounds)
This is my custom checkbox
This is my custom checkbox
orange variant of checkbox (used only on dark backgrounds)
This is my custom checkbox
This is my custom checkbox
renders checkbox behind the element
This is my custom checkbox
This is my custom checkbox
Checkbox is off
This is my custom checkbox
This is my custom checkbox
    <div class="rounded-box m-15 bg-white fg-gray">
        <div class="checkbox [modifier class]">This is my custom checkbox</div>
    <div class="rounded-box m-15 bg-gray-dark fg-gray-light">
        <div class="checkbox [modifier class]">This is my custom checkbox</div>
Source: src/css/components/checkbox.less, line 1