Windy CSS styleguide

1 #00sizes Sizes

Use em sizes in your components, if you want to make them resisable.

Use px sizes, whereever applicable

Never use rem size on Windy. Our goal is increase readability and mainatainibility of code by limiting usage of virtual, hardly to debug size metrics.

Source: src/css/core/sizes.less, line 1

1.1 #00sizes.00 .size-{size}

Toggle full screen Open in new window Toggle example guides Toggle HTML markup

Just shorthand for font-size: with predefined reccomended sizes. Use following classes to size your elements, which increase readability and maintainilibility of your code.

Whenever possible use our size- class in code to increase mainatainibility and readability of your code

Following size classes are also used to set size of our CSS components.

Default styling

"This is very long text written in: "
Button: size-xxs

"This is very long text written in: size-xxs"
Button: size-xs

"This is very long text written in: size-xs"
Button: size-s

"This is very long text written in: size-s"
14px (default body size)
Button: size-m

"This is very long text written in: size-m"
Button: size-l

"This is very long text written in: size-l"
Button: size-xl

"This is very long text written in: size-xl"
Button: size-xxl

"This is very long text written in: size-xxl"
Button: size-xxxl

"This is very long text written in: size-xxxl"
Button: size-ultra

"This is very long text written in: size-ultra"
    <div class="btn bg-orange fg-white [modifier class]">Button: [modifier class]</div>
    <br style="clear: both"/><div class="[modifier class]">"This is very long text written in: [modifier class]"</div>
Source: src/css/core/sizes.less, line 14

1.2 #00sizes.01 Size variables

Various variables for sizing

  • @size-xxs
    8px size
  • @size-xs
    10px size
  • @size-s
    12px size
  • @size-m
    14px size
  • @size-l
    16px size
  • @size-xl
    18px size
  • @size-xxl
    20px size
  • @size-xxxl
    24px size
  • @size-xxxxl
    30px size
  • @size-ultra
    40px size
Source: src/css/core/sizes.less, line 77

1.3 #00sizes.02 Other variables

Various variables used in overall Windy UI

  • @headerH
    Heigth of mobile header @mmHeight- Height of mobile menu
  • @rhBottomW
    Width of desktop's rh bottom container
  • @tdWidth
    Width of table item in detail
  • @heightOfDetailTableDaysRow
    Height of first rof of detail's table
Source: src/css/core/sizes.less, line 107