Windy CSS styleguide

2 #colors Colors 🌈

Minimize number of colors used. Use only colors defined here, and if not possible use lighten() or darken() version of some color we use.

Whenever possible use .fg-color and .bg-color classes to apply colors to in your code to increase maintainability and readability of your code

Source: src/css/colors/index.less, line 1
.fg-gray .fg-black .fg-red .fg-red-light .fg-error .fg-ok
.fg-gray .fg-black .fg-red .fg-red-light .fg-error .fg-ok
.fg-white .fg-yellow
.fg-white .fg-gray-light .fg-orange-light
.fg-white .fg-gray-light .fg-orange-light
    <div class="rounded-box m-15 size-l bg-white">
        <div class="badge fg-white bg-gray size-m boxshadow">.bg-white</div>
        <span class="fg-gray">.fg-gray</span>
        <span class="fg-black">.fg-black</span>
        <span class="fg-red">.fg-red</span>
        <span class="fg-red-light">.fg-red-light</span>
        <span class="fg-error">.fg-error</span>
        <span class="fg-ok">.fg-ok</span>
    <div class="rounded-box m-15 size-l bg-gray-light">
        <div class="badge fg-white bg-gray size-m boxshadow">.bg-gray-light</div>
        <span class="fg-gray">.fg-gray</span>
        <span class="fg-black">.fg-black</span>
        <span class="fg-red">.fg-red</span>
        <span class="fg-red-light">.fg-red-light</span>
        <span class="fg-error">.fg-error</span>
        <span class="fg-ok">.fg-ok</span>
    <div class="rounded-box m-15 size-l bg-transparent">
        <div class="badge fg-gray bg-white size-m boxshadow">.bg-transparent</div>
        <span class="fg-white">.fg-white</span>
        <span class="fg-yellow">.fg-yellow</span>
    <div class="rounded-box m-15 size-l bg-gray">
        <div class="badge fg-gray bg-white size-m boxshadow">.bg-gray</div>
        <span class="fg-white">.fg-white</span>
        <span class="fg-gray-light">.fg-gray-light</span>
        <span class="fg-orange-light">.fg-orange-light</span>
    <div class="rounded-box m-15 size-l bg-gray-dark">
        <div class="badge fg-gray bg-white size-m boxshadow">.bg-gray-dark</div>
        <span class="fg-white">.fg-white</span>
        <span class="fg-gray-light">.fg-gray-light</span>
        <span class="fg-orange-light">.fg-orange-light</span>
    <div class="rounded-box m-15 size-l bg-red">
        <div class="badge fg-gray bg-white size-m boxshadow">.bg-red</div>
        <span class="fg-white">.fg-white</span>
    <div class="rounded-box m-15 size-l bg-red-light">
        <div class="badge fg-gray bg-white size-m boxshadow">.bg-red-light</div>
        <span class="fg-white">.fg-white</span>
    <div class="rounded-box m-15 size-l bg-orange">
        <div class="badge fg-gray bg-white size-m boxshadow">.bg-orange</div>
        <span class="fg-white">.fg-white</span>
    <div class="rounded-box m-15 size-l bg-ok">
        <div class="badge fg-gray bg-white size-m boxshadow">.bg-ok</div>
        <span class="fg-white">.fg-white</span>
    <div class="rounded-box m-15 size-l bg-error">
        <div class="badge fg-gray bg-white size-m boxshadow">.bg-error</div>
        <span class="fg-white">.fg-white</span>
Source: src/css/colors/index.less, line 16

2.2 #colors.1 Primary

Primary Windy colors

  • @color-red #9d0300

    Primary Windy red color, used as bg or fg color

  • @color-red-light #946051

    Lighten version of our primary red used as fg color

  • @color-white #f8f8f8

    Dimmed version of white, used only as bg

  • @color-orange #d49500

    Orange color that used as bg of UI elements in dark content

  • @color-orange-light #ffe3a1

    Light version of orange, used for icons, borders in dark content

  • @color-yellow #fff3e1

    Yellow, used as text color on icons and text on overlaying map (to be distinguished from white city labels)

  • @color-transparent rgba(68, 65, 65, 0.84)

    Transparent gray used as bg for small UI controls overlying map

Source: src/css/colors/color-definitions.less, line 1

2.3 #colors.2 Grays

Neutral gray colors

  • @color-gray #6b6b6b

    Basic gray color, used as fg or bg

  • @color-gray-dark #4d4d4d

    Darker version of gray used as default bg for dark content

  • @color-gray-light #e5e5e5

    Very light gray used as bg or fg for text in dark content

Source: src/css/colors/color-definitions.less, line 29

2.4 #colors.3 Status colors

Use only for errors and ok messages

  • @color-ok #026f00

    All ok

  • @color-error #c42f2f


Source: src/css/colors/color-definitions.less, line 46

2.5 #colors.4 .fg-color classes

Toggle full screen Open in new window Toggle example guides Toggle HTML markup

Foreground color classes, basically shorthand for color: @xyz. Names are usually inherited from LESS variables naming convention (but not always).

Default styling
Hello world
Hello world
Primary Windy red color
Hello world
Hello world
Lighten version of our primary red used as fg color
Hello world
Hello world
Color class
Hello world
Hello world
Hello world
Hello world
ok messages
Hello world
Hello world
gray text
Hello world
Hello world
dark gray text
Hello world
Hello world
lGray text
Hello world
Hello world
Black text
Hello world
Hello world
Pure white
Hello world
Hello world
Light version of orange, used for icons, borders in dark content
Hello world
Hello world
<div class="centered">
            <div class="rounded-box bg-white [modifier class]">Hello world</div>
            <div class="rounded-box bg-gray-dark [modifier class]">Hello world</div>
Source: src/css/colors/color-classes.less, line 1

2.6 #colors.5 .bg-color classes

Toggle full screen Open in new window Toggle example guides Toggle HTML markup

Shorthand for background-color: xyz. Names are usually inherited from LESS variables naming convention (but not always).

Default styling
Hello world
Red background
Hello world
Light red background
Hello world
Transparent gray for UI backgrounds
Hello world
Color class
Hello world
Background version of gray
Hello world
Darker version of gray used as default bg for dark content
Hello world
Light version gray
Hello world
Hello world
Ok messages
Hello world
White bg
Hello world
Light version of orange, used for icons, borders in dark content
Hello world
<div class="rounded-box [modifier class] fg-black">Hello world</div>
Source: src/css/colors/color-classes.less, line 73